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What 50+ Job Seekers Can Learn About Personal Branding from Lady GaGa

A friend sent me a Youtube video of a New York University student playing piano and singing a song that she composed.

The name of the student playing barefooted in a formal gown was Stefani Germanotta, more commonly known as Lady GaGa. Since that NYU concert in 2005, GaGa has sold 4 million albums and 20+million singles tracks.

What led to her meteoric rise? And, what can 50+ job seekers learn about Personal Branding from personalities like Lady Gaga?

Personal Brands are Built on Distinguishing Attributes

There must be something that separates you from the herd. In order to build a lasting personal brand, you must also take on a "leadership" role (you have to be good at something!) Clearly, GaGa has a great voice, is a talented songwriter and a sensational (if not sensationalist) performer. But, we can name at least a dozen other performers in this venue that have similar attributes (think Christina, Madonna, and even Lil' Wayne--who was a child prodigy).

Lady GaGa started playing piano at the age of 4, attended a private Roman Catholic school in New York and at age 17, gained admission to NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. She honed her skill and is technically competent. As 50+ job seekers, even at mid-career, we must continue to hone our skills. What is the latest technology or advances in your field? Are you aware of the trends affecting your industry?

Vintage Lady GaGa at NYU

The Lady GaGa Personal Brand Experience You may not like the costumes, but you must admit, when Lady GaGa is in the audience or on stage she gets attention. She understands the value of enhanced visibility. Her outlandish, burlesque-style costumes are a part of the GaGa personal brand experience. So, how are you gaining visibility for your skills, talents and experience? How are you setting yourself apart from the crowd of others clamoring for the same position? Are you writing, blogging, volunteering or just waiting for the phone to ring?

Consider Marva's Personal Brand Coaching Program to learn more lessons about personal branding from Lady GaGa and others to help you strategically position yourself for your next career or new business.

You are the Chief Marketing Officer in charge of the PERSONAL BRAND called YOU! Are you an indistinguishable product, or have you created yourself as a desirable personal brand in a crowded marketplace?

Certified Brand Strategist & Image Professional Author, trainer and brand coach, Marva Goldsmith walks the talk when it comes to personal branding and professional image.

An electrical engineer and certified image professional, she has successfully merged right-brain logic with left-brain creativity to use proven methodologies to provide tangible deliverables, actionable recommendations and demonstrable results.

Marva uses the following vehicles to assist her clients with image and brand transformation: Her book: Re-Branding Yourself After Age 50, workshops and Personal Brand Coaching. For further information, please contact me at 301.474.8808 or fill out my online contact form.

Create a great day! Marva

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